Thursday, January 15, 2009

Well, we went to our 4 month well-visit.  The ironic part is that 'we' weren't well.  Dylan screamed unlike I had ever heard, and she hadn't even had her shots yet.  The doc came in and diagnosed her with a pretty bad case of reflux.  I felt like a bad mom, just chalking it up to teething and fussiness! Ha! No, my child had a real problem. Now she's on medicine for it, didn't sleep for longer than 40minutes at a time last night, and have had bunches of poop.  On top of all this, I have started to introduce her to foods.  She looks at me like, "Mom, what the hell".  At one point during her disgusting green beans I looked at her and I could see detest in my daughter's eyes, and it was directed at me!  I heated up a bottle quickly.  We continue to try, and the rice cereal from a spoon is the best.  It is already familiar to her since she has gotten it in a bottle for 2 months.  Well, better luck next time, and next time maybe I will be rested when I write.  I apologize for any mistakes in this blog.  I'm sleep deprived!  Oh, and for the clencher, she was sleeping through the night before her 'well' visit!

1 comment:

mommyof2 said...

Hey girl it is Stephanie. Miss Dylan is so beautiful! I hope she gets to feeling better and you guys get more sleep soon. We need to get together with all the kido's and have a cook out or dinner soon. Love your blog!

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!
Dylan loves her Nana, and on one of our many shopping trips we found this handmade treasure. Thank you Nana!