Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Morning at Neiman Marcus

So we had to meet up with some friends at NM to pick out what Dylan will be wearing in their upcoming spring/summer fashion show for kids. I promise we are not headed in the direction of "Toddlers in Tiaras", but since Nana will be in town we thought this would be fun. I was nervous because we totally skipped nap time to enjoy time browsing the racks of cute outfits. Needless to say, she was actually really good. Afterall, who would cry in Neiman's?

Well just a few little shots of the pricness hanging out at Neiman's after she picked out what she will be wearing in the fashion show, while her buddy Jackson was in the dressing room. She also picked out a car that she might like! Ha!

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My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!
Dylan loves her Nana, and on one of our many shopping trips we found this handmade treasure. Thank you Nana!