Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Meeps" As of Today...

Dylan is a growing girl, but started out life quite tiny.  I was told that there was something wrong with my placenta, and though we expected her to be small, we never expected 4.2lbs! At first we thought we were going to break her.  The only little sound she would make was a tiny little "Meep", whenever she needed changing or feeding.  This is how I nicknamed her 'Meeps'.

She started growing quite quickly, due to her insatiable appetite! We are blessed to have her here with us, and are excited about our journey as parents, friends, and as a new family.  We look forward to every good time and bad, and most importantly sharing it with our dear friends and family. (Plus her many "Aunties")Enjoy!

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My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!
Dylan loves her Nana, and on one of our many shopping trips we found this handmade treasure. Thank you Nana!