Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Smiles, rolls, and chatter...

As of today, 12/3/08 she is starting to roll from back to stomach.  She has been able to roll from belly to back for quite a while.  (Since she was 3 weeks old).  I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true!

Two weeks ago she started blessing us with smiles.  Every morning when she cries around 7:30am, I go in to see this great big smile followed by the changing of a wet diaper.  I guess we would all smile if we were about to get out of wet pants!  Her personality is really starting to develop, and with Bradley and I as her parents, she should turn out to be quite the colorful girl!

Her chatter has also become something that makes my heart melt.  The list of sounds are growing and instead of cries, we have "ahhs" and "hawws".  She also learned how to scream with joy from her boyfriend, Reed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a big girl! Don't forget "schmeh!"

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!

My Favorite Hat...thanks nana!
Dylan loves her Nana, and on one of our many shopping trips we found this handmade treasure. Thank you Nana!